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PLGA-PEG-Multi-Arms (4 arm 8 arm)
发布时间:2024-01-11     作者:h   分享到:

产品名称:PLGA-PEG-Multi-Arms (4 arm 8 arm)


规格:1mg 5mg 10mg





"PLGA-PEG-Multi-Arms" likely refers to a copolymer consisting of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), polyethylene glycol (PEG), and multiple arms or branches extending from a central point.

  1. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA): PLGA is a biodegradable copolymer made up of lactic acid and glycolic acid units. It is commonly used in drug delivery systems due to its biocompatibility and controlled degradation properties.

  2. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG): PEG is a hydrophilic polymer known for its biocompatibility and ability to improve the solubility and circulation of drugs. It is often used in drug delivery systems to enhance the overall performance of the system.

  3. Multi-Arms: The term "multi-arms" implies that the PEG component of the copolymer has multiple branches or arms extending from a central point. This type of structure is often referred to as a multi-arm or star-shaped polymer. Each arm may have its own unique functional groups or characteristics.

The design of PLGA-PEG-Multi-Arms copolymers can provide additional functionality or versatility in drug delivery applications. The multi-armed structure can offer enhanced drug loading capacities, improved stability, and the potential for attaching different bioactive molecules to each arm for targeted drug delivery or other biomedical applications. The specific properties and applications would depend on the details of the copolymer's structure and the intended purpose of use.

PLGA-PEG-Multi-Arms (4 arm 8 arm)





