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Cy5 alkyne,Cyanine5 amine for Click Chemistry. With this product, deeply colored, and photostable Cy5 fluorophore can be attached to various molecules via Click Chemistry reaction with azides.
发布时间:2022-05-17     作者:ysl   分享到:

Cy5 alkyne,Cyanine5 amine该产品由西安齐岳生物科技有限公司提供 。


Cy5 alkyne for Click Chemistry. With this product, deeply colored, and photostable Cy5 fluorophore can be attached to various molecules via Click Chemistry reaction with azides.

This azide is non-water soluble, but it can be dissolved in DMF or DMSO prior to reaction, and added to aqueous reaction mixture. With our labeling protocol, the labeling reaction is very efficient, and high-yielding.

Various substrates bearing azides can be used for the labeling, including biomolecules, polymers, and solid surfaces

Appearance: dark blue solid

Solubility: Good in organic solvents (DCM, chloroform, DMF, DMSO, MeCN, alcohols), poor in water

Molar weight: 556.18

Mass spec M+ increase: 520.3

Cy5 excitation maximum, λmaxex, nm: 646

Cy5 extinction at λmaxex 250,000

Cy5 emission maximum, λmaxfluor, nm: 662

Cy5 fluorescence quantum yield: 0.2

NMR: 95+%

TLC: pure

Functional testing (CuAAC): pass

Store at -20°C in the dark.

 Cy5 alkyne


Cyanine5 alkyne

Cyanine5 amine

Cy5 amine

Cy5 NH2

Cyanine5 azide

Cy5 N3

Cyanine5 Boc-hydrazide

Cyanine5 carboxylic acid

Cyanine5 hydrazide 

Cyanine5 maleimide

Cy5 maleimide

Cyanine5 NHS ester  1032678-42-4

Cy5 NHS ester

产地 :西安




小编ysl 2022.5.17
