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Cy7.5 carboxylic acid Free unactivated Cy7.5 NIR dye carboxylic acid.
发布时间:2022-05-17     作者:ysl   分享到:

Cy7.5 carboxylic acid,该产品由西安齐岳生物科技有限公司提供 。

Free unactivated Cy7.5 NIR dye carboxylic acid.

For coupling and labeling reactions also consider using pre-activated Cy7.5 NHS ester, or water-soluble sulfo-Cy7.5 NHS ester.

Appearance: dark green powder

Solubility: Good in organic solvents (DCM, chloroform, DMF, DMSO, MeCN, alcohols), poor in water

Molar weight: 684.35

Cy7.5 excitation maximum, λmaxex, nm: 788

Cy7.5 extinction at λmaxex 223,000

Cy7.5 emission maximum, λmaxfluor, nm: 808

NMR: 95+%

TLC: pure

Store at -20°C in the dark. Desiccate

Cy7.5 carboxylic acid

产地 :西安




小编ysl 2022.5.17
