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序号 标题 次数 作者 发布时间
174511 CuInSe2铜铟硫近红外二区量子点偶联培美曲塞,紫杉醇PTX,阿霉素DOX 461 axc 2022-05-17
174512 Cy5菁染料标记壳聚糖的英文简称:CY5-Chitosan 669 ysl 2022-05-17
174513 蛋白质核糖核酸酶修饰近红外发光ZnTe(碲化锌)量子点 428 axc 2022-05-17
174514 Cy3.5菁染料标记壳聚糖CY5.5-Chitosan是一种生物可降解聚合物,它毒性低、生物相容性好被用于药物传递系统 735 ysl 2022-05-17
174515 Cy3菁染料标记壳聚糖CY5.5-Chitosan的荧光波长:555nm-570nm 403 ysl 2022-05-17
174516 红色荧光素标记壳聚糖Rhodamine-Chitosan/Chitosan–TRITC的相关基本资料 592 ysl 2022-05-17
174517 近红外发光ZnTe碲化锌量子点偶联雷替曲塞|齐岳定制氨基,羧基,生物素功能化ZnTe近红外量子点 408 axc 2022-05-17
174518 DODMA|CAS:104162-47-2 (齐岳生物分享) 980 zyl 2022-05-17
174519 绿色荧光素标记壳聚糖 FITC-Chitosan /Chitosan -Fluorescein壳聚糖是一种生物可降解聚合物 615 ysl 2022-05-17
174520 炔基修饰海藻酸钠的英文简称:Alginate-Alkyne 496 ysl 2022-05-17
174521 生物素修饰海藻酸钠 Alginate-Biotin 可以对Alginate进行氨基、巯基、马来酰亚胺、活化脂、生物素、叠氮改性 596 ysl 2022-05-17
174522 活化脂修饰海藻酸钠Alginate-NHS用于不同用途的靶向研究或药物传递研究 850 ysl 2022-05-17
174523 马来酰亚胺修饰海藻酸钠Alginate-Maleimide可以被作成微球用于药物传递系统 839 ysl 2022-05-17
174524 巯基修饰海藻酸钠Alginate-Thiol的基本资料 830 ysl 2022-05-17
174525 氨基修饰海藻酸钠Alginate-Amine的外观:白色粉末 477 ysl 2022-05-17
174526 荧光标记-远红外荧光探针DID标记脂质体 1226 zyl 2022-05-17
174527 ICG菁染料标记海藻酸钠ICG-Alginate的荧光波长:800nm-820nm 642 ysl 2022-05-17
174528 CdS硫化镉近红外量子点偶联阿霉素DOX,多肽,抗体,蛋白 745 axc 2022-05-17
174529 Cy7.5菁染料标记海藻酸钠CY7-Alginate的基本资料 505 ysl 2022-05-17
174530 Cy7菁染料标记海藻酸钠 CY7-Alginate海藻酸盐主要是海藻酸钠是从褐藻( 如昆布) 或土壤细菌( 如褐色定氮菌) 中提取的一种可生物降解的亲水性多糖 775 ysl 2022-05-17
174531 Cy5菁染料标记海藻酸钠CY5-Alginate的荧光波长:591nm-604nm 456 ysl 2022-05-17
174532 Cy3.5菁染料标记海藻酸钠的英文简称:CY3.5-Alginate 393 ysl 2022-05-17
174533 DSPE-PEG2000-cRGD, 多肽序列:c(RGDyk)的应用 553 zyl 2022-05-17
174534 Cy3菁染料标记海藻酸钠CY3-Alginate的取代度:1 mol%的取代度,每个海藻酸聚合物至少有一个染料分子 953 ysl 2022-05-17
174535 红色荧光素标记海藻酸钠Rhodamine-Alginate/TRITC-Alginate的状态:红色粉末 638 ysl 2022-05-17
174536 绿色荧光素标记海藻酸钠Alginate-Fluorescein的Viscosity: 200–500 mPa.s,/100-300 cP/600-900 cP/1,000-1,500 cP 733 ysl 2022-05-17
174537 石墨烯量子点(GQDs)负载多柔比星,紫杉醇,阿霉素 398 axc 2022-05-17
174538 Sulfo-Cy7 NHS ester,Sulfo-Cyanine5 alkyne荧光染料相关资料 428 ysl 2022-05-17
174539 Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester,Sulfo-Cyanine7 azide This dye is highly hydrophilic and water-soluble. Non-sulfonated analog is available. 437 ysl 2022-05-17
174540 Sulfo-Cy5 carboxylic acid,Sulfo-Cyanine5 NHS ester Free Cy5 carboxylic acid, water soluble dye. 487 ysl 2022-05-17
174541 Sulfo-Cy5 azide,Sulfo-Cyanine7 azide Mass spec M+ increase: 725.9 519 ysl 2022-05-17
174542 Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester,Sulfo-Cyanine3 azide This is sulfonated, hydrophilic and water-soluble dye. Non-sulfonated Cy3 NHS ester is also available. 440 ysl 2022-05-17
174543 Sulfo-Cy3 azide,Sulfo-Cyanine7 NHS ester This reagent is a water-soluble dye azide for Click Chemistry. 885 ysl 2022-05-17
174544 Cy7.5 maleimide Solubility: Good in organic solvents (DCM, chloroform, DMF, DMSO, MeCN, alcohols), poor in water 412 ysl 2022-05-17
174545 Cy7.5 NHS ester Solubility: Good in organic solvents (DCM, chloroform, DMF, DMSO, MeCN, alcohols), poor in water 739 ysl 2022-05-17
174546 Cy7.5 carboxylic acid Free unactivated Cy7.5 NIR dye carboxylic acid. 424 ysl 2022-05-17
174547 Cy7.5 azide alkyne-reactive azide, for Click Chemistry. 621 ysl 2022-05-17
174548 Cy7 NHS ester,Cyanine7 carboxylic acid Appearance: dark green powder 416 ysl 2022-05-17
174549 Cy7 maleimide,Cyanine7 NHS ester Mass spec M+ increase: 671.4 392 ysl 2022-05-17
174550 Cy7 carboxylic acid,Cyanine7 azide Solubility: Good in organic solvents (DCM, chloroform, DMF, DMSO, MeCN, alcohols), poor in water 593 ysl 2022-05-17
174551 Cy7 azide,Cyanine7 amine ,1650635-41-8 Click Chemistry azide for the labeling with Cy7, near infrared fluorescent dye. 407 ysl 2022-05-17
174552 Cy5 NHS ester,Cyanine5 amine is a reactive dye for the labeling of amino-groups in peptides, proteins, and oligonucleotides. 737 ysl 2022-05-17
174553 Cy5 maleimide,Cyanine5 NHS ester ,1032678-42-4 荧光染料 397 ysl 2022-05-17
174554 Cy5 hydrazide,Cyanine5 NHS ester是一种荧光染料 522 ysl 2022-05-17
174555 Cy5 azide,Cyanine5 maleimide相关资料 587 ysl 2022-05-17